Friday, September 30, 2011


 Well,  I have been so Super busy with school and a toddler that I don't ever have time to blog!  Well, and to be honest I am sort of OBSESSED with Pinterest!!!  School is crazy busy this year, and Jasper is a busy little boy!  
I have a good little class of 20 1st graders!  I Love being a teacher, but it is hard work!!!  I like the creative side of teaching (finding new ideas, decorating my classroom, projects, etc.)  Well, another thing I love about my job is the vacations, Fall Break in one week!  Yay!
Enough about school!!  Jasper is the best; his personality is really developing!  He is so full of energy!!  He is so sweet blowing kisses and starting to talk!!  His Mommy and Daddy and everyone around him LOVE him so much!!  He is the greatest blessing!!  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being a Mommy!
Well I haven't been taking many pictures lately,  but I have a few so I am going to include them!

PEACE & <3
Jennifer NIx Lindley

My classroom ready for students!

Math center!

My desk!  LOVE my flamingo lamp!

GIANT water slide Jason made for our nephew Connor's birthday!

Jasper and Ruffletta

LOVE this dude!


The view from our front yard!  Gorgeous!!!

Somebody looks sleepy!!!

Last Week of Summer.....

My Hippie Chick I painted to go with the peace signs I got at the teacher store!!
My classroom (almost ready)

Well, the last week of summer was spent mostly at school getting my classroom ready!!  Jasper and my mom went with me!  My classroom is almost ready for school to start!  Jasper also had to go get his 15 month shots on Friday; Poppa and Gigi went too!  We were going to get a Smurf at Build-A-Bear, but they were out of them(UHH!!) so we had to settle for a little Smurf!!  I am so going to miss spending all day everyday with my sweet boy; I am going to miss him, and I think I will be shedding a few tears next week!!  I know that I am very blessed to be able to leave him with my  Mom though!!