Friday, September 30, 2011

Last Week of Summer.....

My Hippie Chick I painted to go with the peace signs I got at the teacher store!!
My classroom (almost ready)

Well, the last week of summer was spent mostly at school getting my classroom ready!!  Jasper and my mom went with me!  My classroom is almost ready for school to start!  Jasper also had to go get his 15 month shots on Friday; Poppa and Gigi went too!  We were going to get a Smurf at Build-A-Bear, but they were out of them(UHH!!) so we had to settle for a little Smurf!!  I am so going to miss spending all day everyday with my sweet boy; I am going to miss him, and I think I will be shedding a few tears next week!!  I know that I am very blessed to be able to leave him with my  Mom though!!

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