Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011: Destin, Florida

Jasper and Mommy

Daddy writing Jasper's name in the sand, but that did not help Jasper like the sand!!!

Jasper chillin'

Loves, loves, loves his Daddy!!!

I just love the houses in Florida!!!

Really love this one!!

I want a tin roof just like this!!!!  Love it!!

I told you he LOVES his Daddy!!  Sweet!!

LOOK at all those teeth!!!

Jasper and Mommy!!

The blanket is the only way I finally got a picture of Jasper by himself on the beach!!
I LOVE this outfit! I got it in a store in Seaside, so cute!!!

We ate at McGuire's; they have $1 everywhere!!!  Jasper LOVED the live Irish musician, and the boxtys!!!

Jasper loved the water and waves, but NOT the sand!!

Jasper and Daddy at the beach!!

Sunrise the morning we arrived!!!

Jason playing a little golf in the backyard!!!

Jasper checking out the bay!!

The boys in the swimming pool!!!

Daddy's 35th Birthday

I Love this pic!!

LOVE these guys!!!


Happy Family!!

He really did not like the sand!!!  I told Jason we needed to get him a sand box
 so he can grow to LOVE it because I do!!!!!
Jason's Aunt Jane has a condo in Sandestin, and Jason and I have been together for 8 years and I had never been!!  At the beginning of the summer Jason's family went but we couldn't go.  So all summer I have been hinting around about going to Florida!!!  Well, on Thursday July 7th, after a day in Memphis at the dr., shopping, and sushi, I suggested we go to Florida once again.  Jason took me up on the idea this time; we called Aunt Jane and had plans to leave that Sunday after dinner at Paula Dean's in Tunica for my dad's fiftieth birthday!!  We traveled through the night, and Jasper did very well; we only stopped once, and we arrived at about 3:30 a.m.  We had tons of fun, and a little bad luck too!  We shopped, we ate lots of seafood, we went to the beach, we relaxed, we went to the pool, we just spent time as a family!!!!!  Unfortunately, our truck's fuel pump decided to go out while we were there, which meant we had to rent a car, have our truck towed, fuel pump replaced, and spend lots more $$$$ than planned;  but we were all safe and together so it was okay!!!  Jasper wasn't too crazy over the sand; he wouldn't even put his feet down.  He did like the water and waves though!!!  It was a great family vacation!!!  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my guys!!!!!

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